Running and Low Back Pain

Running and Low Back Pain

For many people, running is a great way to stay active and healthy.  But there are many running related injuries that can occur due to a lack of mobility, stability or faulty running mechanics.  

The most common running fault I see as a therapist is someone who runs with increased lumbar lordosis, or curvature, in their low back.

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Are Injuries Limiting Your Golf Game?

Are Injuries Limiting Your Golf Game?

Have you noticed differences in your short game vs long game on the course? The challenge with sports that involve a swing or a throw is that the motion is very complex. It is easy to throw a ball or swing a golf club but there is nothing easy about doing it well. Those that find themselves in the rough or having a constant slice will know what I’m talking about.

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What Does Health Mean To You?

What Does Health Mean To You?

What are the two resources in life that we generally can’t get back once they are lost? Most people say money, trust, or happiness. While there are multiple answers that are correct, my answers are always time and health. No matter where you live, how old you are, what color, or what gender these two resources are universal. A minute is the same to me as it is to a child in Japan and the same goes for health. The difference between you and someone else is what you DECIDE to do with your time and health. At the end of the day everything that WE CHOOSE to do or not to do is a decision and we are responsible for them.

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3 Secrets To Improving Running Efficiency and Decrease Injury Risk

3 Secrets To Improving Running Efficiency and Decrease Injury Risk

It’s the start of a new year and if you’re like most, you’ve made a resolution to be healthier.  Running is a popular choice for people who want to lose weight, join a community, and achieve their fitness goals.  With all the benefits running can provide, there’s often a misconception that anyone can do it.  Sure, you may be able to run but are you running efficiently so that you minimizes the risk for injury?  Running injuries can be frustrating but avoidable if you understand the biomechanics and the areas to focus on. Here are a few tips that can improve your performance to set that new PR.

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7 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make After An Injury

7 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make After An Injury

Injuries unfortunately come with the territory when playing sports. After an athlete suffers an injury, often times it is not addressed properly which causes a delayed or incomplete recovery and more time on the sidelines. This can be due to the athlete simply not knowing what to do, ignoring the injury, or getting inadequate medical advice/treatment.

Let’s talk about the 7 biggest mistakes athletes make when they get injured so that you (or your son/daughter) won’t do any of them and can get back to playing as fast (and safely) as possible.

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What Is Your Belief In Health's Potential?

What Is Your Belief In Health's Potential?

If you are ok with JUST dealing with it, you are not realizing your health’s potential. 

It’s our mission here at HealthFit to partner with you to help you get to a place that you have pretty much forgotten about. By working WITH you, we start to work on that mind shift that will allow you to start to envision what life can possibly be like. 

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Breathing Can Help My Back Pain?

Breathing Can Help My Back Pain?

The relationship between back pain and core stability are often directly related, but not often discussed together. In discussing the relationship between back pain and core stability the big question is, what is the core? To picture the region of the core, visualize a cylinder. The front of the cylinder is like your abdominals, with four layers of abdominal muscles, and if you go to the back, there you’ll find the back extensors, there are different layers of back extensors. On the bottom of the cylinder is your pelvic floor, and on the top is your diaphragm, which not many people pay attention to.

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The Top 7 Things You Need To Know About Your Pregnancy

The Top 7 Things You Need To Know About Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an exciting, terrifying and amazing experience. 40 weeks of unknowns can really take a toll on you. We get a lot of questions from our clients so we decided to create the top 7 things you need to know about your pregnancy to better prepare you to bring your little bundle of joy into this world. 

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Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder pain whether it stems from some sort of impingement to recovering from rotator cuff surgery can be incredibly uncomfortable. Throughout the day you are conscious and able to do what you can to minimize pain but the six, seven, eight-plus hours that you're spending sleeping can often times aggravate your shoulder, especially if you're the ones that can only sleep on your side, and unfortunately, sleep on the side that you're having shoulder pain with.

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