Running and Low Back Pain

Running and Low Back Pain

For many people, running is a great way to stay active and healthy.  But there are many running related injuries that can occur due to a lack of mobility, stability or faulty running mechanics.  

The most common running fault I see as a therapist is someone who runs with increased lumbar lordosis, or curvature, in their low back.

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What Does Health Mean To You?

What Does Health Mean To You?

What are the two resources in life that we generally can’t get back once they are lost? Most people say money, trust, or happiness. While there are multiple answers that are correct, my answers are always time and health. No matter where you live, how old you are, what color, or what gender these two resources are universal. A minute is the same to me as it is to a child in Japan and the same goes for health. The difference between you and someone else is what you DECIDE to do with your time and health. At the end of the day everything that WE CHOOSE to do or not to do is a decision and we are responsible for them.

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7 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make After An Injury

7 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make After An Injury

Injuries unfortunately come with the territory when playing sports. After an athlete suffers an injury, often times it is not addressed properly which causes a delayed or incomplete recovery and more time on the sidelines. This can be due to the athlete simply not knowing what to do, ignoring the injury, or getting inadequate medical advice/treatment.

Let’s talk about the 7 biggest mistakes athletes make when they get injured so that you (or your son/daughter) won’t do any of them and can get back to playing as fast (and safely) as possible.

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Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder pain whether it stems from some sort of impingement to recovering from rotator cuff surgery can be incredibly uncomfortable. Throughout the day you are conscious and able to do what you can to minimize pain but the six, seven, eight-plus hours that you're spending sleeping can often times aggravate your shoulder, especially if you're the ones that can only sleep on your side, and unfortunately, sleep on the side that you're having shoulder pain with.

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Fuel Good, Feel Good!

Fuel Good, Feel Good!

When some people say they are trying to lose fat or gain muscle there is usually a laundry list of items that follows. It usually includes this diet shake, these supplements, that protein powder, that “miracle” cure and the list just goes on. A good portion of the time, people generally get frustrated with weight loss or gain because of the difficulty with it.


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How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

Myofascial trigger point or “knots” is a common term used to describe tightness and hard bumps in muscles that are painful when pressure is applied.  Generally, people complain of knots in their neck, shoulders and low back.  But what are knots and how do they form?  In order to explain this, we need to understand how muscles work.  

When you bend your elbow, the muscle fibers in your biceps shorten (contract) but when you straighten the elbow, those fibers lengthen (relax).  This ability to contract and relax is what allows us to move.  But what you had a muscle that was in a constant state of contraction and was unable to relax?  Overtime, it would probably feel tight, uncomfortable, and painful. The muscle becomes dysfunctional because it’s unable to relax, creating knots and trigger points.

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