How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

Myofascial trigger point or “knots” is a common term used to describe tightness and hard bumps in muscles that are painful when pressure is applied.  Generally, people complain of knots in their neck, shoulders and low back.  But what are knots and how do they form?  In order to explain this, we need to understand how muscles work.  

When you bend your elbow, the muscle fibers in your biceps shorten (contract) but when you straighten the elbow, those fibers lengthen (relax).  This ability to contract and relax is what allows us to move.  But what you had a muscle that was in a constant state of contraction and was unable to relax?  Overtime, it would probably feel tight, uncomfortable, and painful. The muscle becomes dysfunctional because it’s unable to relax, creating knots and trigger points.

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Which Is The Best Mattress For Me?

Which Is The Best Mattress For Me?

One question we constantly get asked is “What is the best mattress for me and how should I sleep." Much like everything else in life there is not just one easy answer to fix all the world's problems. One of the biggest factors is individual comfort, that is because comfort plays a huge role in our lives and helps us decide to do or not to do something.

If we break down the 24 Hours of the day most people get around 8 hours of sleep. Some people might say they only get 6 hours on a good night which is still somewhat acceptable. So that means we spend 25%-33% of our lives sleeping most of which will be on a mattress.

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How Will Your Body Survive Being A Weekend Warrior?

How Will Your Body Survive Being A Weekend Warrior?

The weekend warrior usually has a busy 40 hour work week and therefore, is only active during the weekends.  They courageously step onto the court to play 5 on 5 basketball, they run, cut, and pivot across battlefields to victory, hit challenging trails to conquer the great outdoors, or schedule early morning tee times, swinging their weapon of choice at innocent golf balls. 

The weekend warrior is also known for being injury prone.  The reason?

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Is Your "WHY" Enough Motivation To Get You Through To Your Goal?

Is Your "WHY" Enough Motivation To Get You Through To Your Goal?

"Why are we doing this coach?" Fetty asked me as he groaned while doubled over. He was on the last on a series of ten banded 50 yard pulls.

I asked him, "You tell me?"

What's the point of it all?

Why are we doing what we're doing?

These questions form the foundation or the backbone of any athlete’s or coach’s program. Much attention is given to program structure, sets, reps, cycles etc. Instagram and Facebook are littered with "how to videos" but very little on the "why's."

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Are You Taking 23,000 Incorrect Breaths A Day?

Are You Taking 23,000 Incorrect Breaths A Day?

Do you suffer from chronic neck, shoulder, or low back pain?

If so, have you paid attention to how you breathe? 

As you’re reading this blog, do a simple exercise.  Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, and take a deep breath in.  If the hand on your chest moved upward and the one on your belly doesn't move at all, you are probably not breathing as efficient as you can.

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Does Your Back Hurt During A Plank?

Does Your Back Hurt During A Plank?

It has become very common that exercises are a great tool when trying to recover from an injury. There is the exact opposite as well, where exercises have either caused or been a factor in your injury. More often than not injuries are from poor form and or too much weight. 

When we are working with someone that has low back pain a common exercise that may be given is the plank. On occasion people already “know-how to do” a plank and is a part of their normal exercise routine. Form, especially with the plank, is essential to not causing back pain. 

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Is Your Golf Swing Giving You Back Pain?

Is Your Golf Swing Giving You Back Pain?

Everyone has a sport or activity that is enjoyable or helps to relieve stress. A large number of our clients use golf as that activity.

It can become a huge strain if you are unable to do your activity of choice because of an injury or pain. In some instances the activity or sport is what is causing the problem. Some might say to stop running, playing golf, or playing basketball because it is causing your pain. Instead our goal is to look to see what we can do to make changes so you can continue to play.

When it comes to golf there are many mechanics at play which can contribute to your injury. The most common injury we see is low back pain or upper and middle back pain. Not having a proper golf swing can lead to these injuries.  

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Hip and Back Pain While Crossing Your Legs.

Hip and Back Pain While Crossing Your Legs.

If you constantly cross one leg over the other, knee over knee, you may eventually experience hip, low back, or sacroiliac joint (located between hip and low back) pain.  Because we’re creatures of habit, we’re more likely cross the same leg over the other, which can lead to a muscular imbalance, or asymmetry.  Asymmetries between the left and right are predictive of future injuries because they cause us to compensate for weakness, tightness, or limited range when we’re active.

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My Back Hurts And I Can't Get Comfortable When Sleeping.

My Back Hurts And I Can't Get Comfortable When Sleeping.

Sleep is an essential part of life and is something that most of us have struggled with at one point or another.  Sleeping is important because allows our body and state of mind to recover from the business, stress, and demands of the day so we feel refreshed in the morning.  Most of us don’t sleep enough, which affects how productive we are during the day.  If you’ve ever been jet lagged, you understand how difficult it is to fall asleep at night, or stay awake during the day.

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Why Can Sitting Cause My Back Pain?

Why Can Sitting Cause My Back Pain?

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons why people end up having to miss work. Depending on what your job is, it might be contributing to your low back problems.

Generally people sit for long periods of time at their job regardless if you're a lawyer, admin, or UBER driver. Sitting is a normal thing that our bodies can do, the problem becomes how you sit and for how long you are sitting for.

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