Mia Han (Official Greeter)

Now the second youngest member of the team, Mia brings youth, laughter and an energy which makes your HealthFit experience much more enjoyable. She brings a wealth of experience in crawling, running and climbing which are essential parts of keeping you mobile and active. She loves waving, smiling and blowing kisses to all of the clients that walk through our doors. If you are lucky, you may get to experience her athletic skills of squatting, deadlifting with a kettlebell and running through the agility ladder. (With perfect form)

Fun Facts

Born: Pasadena, CA


Place: Disneyland, Zoo

Restaurant: Her High Chair

Food: Yogurt, Cheese

Holiday: Christmas

City: Laguna Beach, CA

TV show: Mickey Mouse Club House

Movie: Frozen

Singer/Group: Disney Frozen Soundtrack

Celebrity: Sophie The Giraffe

Book: Llama Llama Red Pajama

Sports: Soccer, Ladder Drills, Squats

Team: Los Angeles Football Club

Hobbies: Waving, Laughing, Climbing, Running, Eating, Blowing Kisses