Red Light Therapy Helps Reduce Inflammation

Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that has been shown to have numerous potential benefits for pain and inflammation. This therapy involves exposing the skin to red light wavelengths which penetrate the skin and stimulate the production of cellular energy. This increased energy production can lead to a reduction in pain and inflammation in the body because it can now utilize it more efficiently for healing.

Sessions typically feel relaxing and soothing, with a subtle warmth that comes from the lights. The experience is a little different for each person, but this article will explore the benefits and applications of red light therapy for individuals suffering from pain caused by inflammation.

Red Light Helps With Cellular Regeneration

Red light therapy has been used to help alleviate many conditions. Our patients have used it for managing chronic conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even neuropathy. For every person, the result will vary depending on how far along their condition has developed. In some cases, the application of red light therapy with physical therapy, chiropractic and hyperbaric oxygen therapy have yielded great results.

Red light therapy helps with reducing inflammation in the affected areas is by increasing cellular energy and increasing blood flow in the area. With an increased blood flow, the body can help provide the nutrients and oxygen needed for the body to heal and repair itself. That is why it is important to minimize excessive inflammation when our bodies are trying to heal.

Red light therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation associated with exercise and sports injuries. The underlying cause for the inflammation related to exercise would be the primary suspect, but with the application of red light therapy and getting properly assessed by a medical professional, one could see great improvements in their mobility while limiting their daily discomfort.

Since using red light therapy is extremely non-invasive, it can be used right after or before doing some activity or treatment. Additionally it can help alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness by aiding blood circulation to allow the muscles and joints to relax.

Red Light Helps Reduce Body Stress

Studies have shown that red light therapy works by increasing the activity of mitochondria in the cells which are responsible for producing ATP. ATP is essentially the energy each cell needs in order to function. The increased production of ATP leads to a reduction in oxidative stress which can contribute to inflammation in the body.

Red light therapy has been shown to activate specific cellular pathways that are involved in the regulation of inflammation. This therapy can help reduce the production of specific proteins that contribute to inflammation in the body. It can also stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory lidocaine in the body which is used to help reduce inflammation.

By reducing and controlling the onset of inflammation, red light therapy has been shown to reduce discomfort in a number of issues related to chronic low back pain, degenerative disc disease, muscle soreness and acute/chronic injuries. Red light therapy is not the magic cure to completely alleviate your discomfort, but when using it in conjunction with physical therapy, chiropractic or hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the benefits tend to be a lot more.

If you are ready to experience the benefits of red light therapy or would like to learn more about it’s health benefits, give us a call at (626) 365-1380 to set up your first session.

To learn more about red light, visit our web page by CLICKING HERE.