Why is Breathing Important for Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Treatment?  

  The most basic, yet vital aspect of your everyday life begins with your breath. Your respiration determines how the rest of your body gets important nutrients that are essential for optimal health. Everything from cognition to digestion functions better with consistent oxygen flow. Unfortunately, poor breathing habits can sometimes amplify other existing issues in your body.  

 The Importance of Proper Breathing 

Breathing properly to maximize oxygen in the body can promote better mental clarity, improve sleeping habits, maximize digestion capabilities, reduce stress levels, and even improve your immune system.

Posture Can Affect Your Breathing Technique 

Did you know that Physical Therapy and Chiropractic treatment can help with proper breathing techniques? 

 Your muscles and joints are constantly working together to allow your lungs to expand and compress, so sitting up straight allows your lungs to: 

·      Expand quicker with each breath. 

·      Control air flow to travel smoothly through the lungs.

·      Push carbon dioxide out of the lungs unobstructed.

 When your muscles and joints are not working together properly, your breathing can be affected. Rounded shoulders, an arched back and tight abdominal muscles are common indicators of improper posture. In order to tackle these issues, it may be a good idea to seek help with a Physical Therapist or Chiropractor to assess your posture, breath work, and overall musculoskeletal health.

The Importance of Breathing During Exercise  

Your lungs are meant to expand and compress within the rib cage, as orchestrated by the diaphragm, so with a strong diaphragm, you are more likely to breathe optimally. If you have any core muscle weakness or imbalance in other connected areas, such as your back or abdominal muscles, your lungs might have a harder time working at their full potential.

 Exercising and developing better breathing habits go hand in hand, so breath control can be helpful to assess your overall training progress. It’s important to remember the following tips: 

·      Inhale a slow and controlled breath during the relaxing phase of your exercise

     (commonly referred to as the eccentric phase of a muscle contraction). 

·      Exhale a controlled breath during the working phase of your exercise 

     (commonly referred to as the concentric phase of your exercise). 

 Our Physical Therapists and Chiropractors can help you learn how to improve your posture and safely strengthen your body. If you find it challenging to control your breath during exercise, our specialists can assess why this is happening and determine the best approach to help you stay mobile and active to reach your training goals and see the results you want.

 Low Back Pain and Your Breathing May be Related

Core stability is a fundamental part of treating and maintaining your postural strength. Compared to pain-free individuals, studies show that people with back pain experience:  

·       An increase in respiratory rate.

·      Weakness in pelvic floor activity.

·      Decreased diaphragmatic activity.

 Without core stability, some muscle groups need to work harder to support weaker muscles, causing additional stress on your body and potential for injury. Next time you see your health professional for low back treatment, it may be a good idea to ask them to assess your breathing to see if there’s anything you can improve.

You should not overlook the importance of breathing and its influence on your health. It’s important to address the underlying issues of any injury, and understand how your respiratory system could potentially be linked.

 Luckily for you, HealthFit has the right professionals to help you address your breathing habits. If you have questions about your individual situation, feel free to leave a comment below, or contact our office at (626) 365-1380, and we are always happy to help.  

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