What is TOO MUCH Desk Time?

As life starts to return to normalcy, and establishments start to open back up, once again our bodies will have to adjust to our old work environments. Those who have had the luxury of working from home have had the opportunity to adjust their working stations to fit their body’s needs, but what does that mean once you have to readjust to the strict confines of your work environment?

Over the years, work desk setups have become the body’s imprisonment that has led to many individuals developing bad postural habits resulting into health issues. Many individuals spend their daily 8 hour shifts in the same position without ever moving away from their work desk. When the body is in a static position for too long, the muscles begin to adapt, which can lead to weakness and stiffness in the body’s joints.

 Research shows that some severe conditions that can arise from sitting all day at work are obesity, increased blood pressure, and metabolic problems. Sitting at a desk for a long duration without a break can also lead to issues in the following areas:

·     Shoulders and Neck 

·     Glutes

·     Hips and Back 

·     Cardiovascular System

·     Gastrointestinal System

·     Deep Vein Thrombosis

·     Diabetes 

 Those bad postural habits take time to develop, but can be reversed with the right treatment. Most of the time, all it takes is incorporating a new routine in your daily work life to minimize the effects of lingering pain, stiffness and fatigue. 

 Change Your Sitting Habits at Work

To begin, you have to make sure you have proper desk ergonomics to minimize any future pain that could arise from poor posture. It is recommended to walk around, or even stand up for a while, after sitting for about 30 minutes. Research even suggests that 60-75 minutes of moderate physical activity a day can counter the effects of prolonged sitting.

Exercising for 60-75 minutes a day may seem challenging for some, and your existing pain could be holding you back. Every workplace environment is different, but some simple changes you can adapt to your everyday work life are:

  • Listen to phone calls on speakers or headphones while walking around your work space.

  • Switch your work desk to a standing desk that can be adjusted to your height, or that can interchange between both sitting and standing positions.

  • Stand up while reading your daily emails, rather than sitting.

  • Move office commodities to different locations around your office, that way you have to get up to grab different items.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator, so long as you don’t have leg pain.

  • Walk over to a colleague and talk to them directly instead of sending simple emails.

  • Take your breaks away from your desk, and enjoy a short walk outside.

 Make Sure to be More Active at Home

In order to build consistency, you’ll also have to make sure to change your sedentary routine at home. It is difficult coming home after a busy work day, and incorporating more activity when all you want to do is rest. Although it is challenging, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for you to make small improvements. Some changes that are recommended can be simple as:

  • Making sure to take breaks in between TV shows, and walk around for a bit.

  • Walking around your home while you’re on the phone,

  • Listening to audio books while you go on a walk instead of sitting down to read

  • When organizing your home, taking multiple trips to put items away.

  • Setting reminders to make sure you are involved in some kind of daily physical activity.

Learn to Train the Pain Away        

The overall issues that can stem from sitting for too long at your work desk are linked to different mechanical discrepancies in your body. There is no “one trick” exercise that will eliminate all of your pain and stiffness. The body works as a system of muscles and joints, and when you strengthen and develop one area, you must do so to the other supporting systems of the body. 

Now, that may sound complicated, but with the right help, those body systems can be broken down to maximize movement efficiency. Our Mobility Expert Dr. Cheri can help asses your body mechanics, and prescribe the appropriate exercise regime to address your structural issues. Sitting requires many joints and muscles to cooperate with each other, and if all you are doing is neck exercises to provide temporary relief, then you are not addressing the real issues. 

Simple habitual changes can go a long way, but don’t let that stop YOU from seeking the appropriate help your body needs. Many times, when you seek help from a health professional, the surface issue is addressed, but not the underlying problem. It is important that your pain, stiffness, and quality of life are tackled from all angles, whether it’s from the view point of a Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, or Athletic Trainer. 

 Luckily for you, HealthFit has an ensemble of health professionals that work together as a team to make sure your body achieves it’s optimal performance. If you have questions regarding your individual situation, feel free to leave a comment below, or contact our office at (626) 365-1380, and we are always happy to help. 

 If you would like to inquire more about appointment information, please click the link.

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