Are You Feeling Frustrated With Your Lack Of Concentration and Mental Clarity?

Having a lack of concentration can derive from the accumulation of a number of things. It may be related to a number of factors including repetitive moments of stress, inability to focus on day-to-day task, or having low levels of energy. Because of the complexity of the human body, there may not be only one reason that dominates over the others when it comes to your lack of concentration.

The truth may be that there are some underlying issues affecting your overall mental clarity. Your body’s ability to adapt to stress and fatigue while operating at a productive level begins to deteriorate after time. For some people, this is a gradual change, and for others, it may feel like it came about all of a sudden. Those moments of rapid change may lead you to believe that you are feeling tired or having a rough day at work, when in reality, it has to do with much more than that.

Don’t Let Your Frustration Ruin Your Mood

Forgetting important dates, losing your train of thought and having a declining motivation to go out are things most of us have felt at some point. My question for you is have you noticed that these issues are starting to take over your life?

It can get frustrating dealing with the same problems and not having a solution to fix them. Out of desperation, you may have tried different remedies, and nothing has helped improve your situation. You may have noticed a changed in mood or energy after trying something new, but later realized that the effects wore off sooner than you’d like. Whether you tried to improve your mental clarity with supplements, exercise, or some “new” trick, are you finding yourself still feeling stuck?  

How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help With Mental Clarity?

Now, you may be wondering how hyperbaric oxygen therapy actually helps with mental clarity, and the answer revolves around two things – Pure Oxygen and Increased Atmospheric Pressure.

HBOT is not a magic remedy that will cure you after one treatment, and truth be told, the amount of sessions needed will vary on the severity of your condition. Research has shown that participants who received a minimum of 10 consecutive session noticed change in their mood, energy level, and ability to retain information. The reason for this is because the rise in pressure in the chamber allows for the increased oxygen intake to be distributed more efficiently throughout your body.

This means your body will have an abundance of nutrients and energy needed by other tissues and organs that may not be receiving the necessary building blocks to heal. This is very beneficial for areas with lower vascularity like tendons, ligaments and the brain. The physiology behind mental clarity is a combination of different things, but by creating adaptive changes in your body to promote better healing, not only will some feel immediate effects, but your body will begin adapting to limit the effects of the issues affecting your mental clarity.

Why Does It Take So Many HBOT Sessions To Feel A Change?

Our bodies are constantly adapting to the environments we put them in, but there is a process in which that happens. If you are always in a stressful environment, your body will adapt to that stress, but what does that mean for your overall health?

We all know exercising has a positive effect on our bodies, but working out only one time doesn’t necessarily yield long lasting benefits. You have to work out consistently to feel and see a change, and HBOT works in a similar way. Consistency in treatment gives your body a better opportunity to build on the adaptations it undergoes at a physiological level. And the best part about the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber is that all it takes is for you to Sit Back, Relax, and Breathe.

Did the issues discussed in the article relate to you?

Then schedule your first HBOT session by filling out an HBOT Inquiry Form by CLICKING HERE! Don’t go another day dealing with the frustration of not having the mental clarity you need. 

To learn more about how HBOT can help you, call (626) 365-1380. You may also CLICK HERE to discover more about the benefits of HBOT.