Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Are you a swimmer, runner, or cyclist who feels like they need a mix up their workout routine?  Do you need a challenge because running six 1/2 marathons a year or riding 50 miles a week just doesn’t do it for you anymore?  If so, participating in your first triathlon might be the answer.

But I know what you’re thinking and it’s either 1) I don’t know how to swim, 2) I don’t have a bike, or 3) I hate running, but that’s ok!  Every triathlete can rank their comfort level when it comes to each activity.  You might be comfortable in the water because you’ve been a swimmer all your life or you can run 13.1 miles without breaking a sweat.  Whatever your situation is, that just means you’ll need to train and get comfortable with the activity that’s ranked #3.

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Is Your "WHY" Enough Motivation To Get You Through To Your Goal?

Is Your "WHY" Enough Motivation To Get You Through To Your Goal?

"Why are we doing this coach?" Fetty asked me as he groaned while doubled over. He was on the last on a series of ten banded 50 yard pulls.

I asked him, "You tell me?"

What's the point of it all?

Why are we doing what we're doing?

These questions form the foundation or the backbone of any athlete’s or coach’s program. Much attention is given to program structure, sets, reps, cycles etc. Instagram and Facebook are littered with "how to videos" but very little on the "why's."

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