The 4 MISTAKES that ALWAYS make your knee pain WORSE

The 4 MISTAKES that ALWAYS make your knee pain WORSE

Today is the last installment of this series discussing knee pain, its various causes, treatment options and success stories. When helping our clients eliminate their knee pain, one of the most important things we can do is tell them what NOT to do.

Remember that in this early phase of recovery, our main goal is to reduce pain and inflammation, so it makes sense that if there are a few things that are really aggravating the knee, then we need to get rid of these things as soon as possible.

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How We Helped Our Golfer Jim Eliminate His Knee Pain and Hit the Ball Farther

How We Helped Our Golfer Jim Eliminate His Knee Pain and Hit the Ball Farther

Last week was all about getting some tips on decreasing your knee pain so you can get back to exercising again. One of the most challenging things people face in this day and age is inactivity. One of the sports that our clients love best is GOLF!

For them, there is nothing better than the smell of the grass, the calmness of the surroundings and the feeling of hitting a great swing!

If you or a loved one is an avid golfer, how many times have you had to stop because of knee pain? 

Are you tired of an inconsistent swing because of an achy knee or sharp pain every time you push off or follow through?

How many surgeries have you had on your meniscus before deciding this may be too much?

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Knee Pain: “I Can’t Lose Weight, Because I Can’t Exercise…”

Knee Pain: “I Can’t Lose Weight, Because I Can’t Exercise…”

With the new year upon us, many of us are getting started on our ‘resolutions’, or we’re at least thinking about them. And of course, one of the most common resolutions you will hear is people who want to start losing weight and exercising more. Losing weight and exercising more in 2019 are both great ideas… but what about people who can’t workout because they are in pain? 

This is a frequent obstacle at the clinic, especially for people with knee pain. It often goes something like this: “I’d like to exercise more to lose some weight, but my knee hurts too much to exercise.” Here’s another common variation: “My surgeon tells me I need to lose 40 lbs if I want a total knee replacement, but how can I lose weight if I can’t exercise?”

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Knee Pain: Introduction to the Anatomy of the Knee and the Top Causes of Pain

Knee Pain: Introduction to the Anatomy of the Knee and the Top Causes of Pain

Overall, knee pain is a bit like back pain; it seems like everyone has it, and not many people really understand what they can do about it. Additionally, many people are under the impression, often via trusted advice, that they ‘just have to live with it’ because they are ‘getting older’.  

If this sounds like YOU, I think you’re really going to enjoy this next series of articles. I’m going to start with some basic information today, and then I’ll be able to offer valuable information about how to eliminate knee pain in future articles.  

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“Sciatica” Sufferers… Could ‘Stretching’ Be Making Your Injury Worse?

“Sciatica” Sufferers… Could ‘Stretching’ Be Making Your Injury Worse?

“I’ve had sciatica pain in my right leg and piriformis syndrome for 19 months."  

Said a frustrated Sarah (age 47), who injured her back during a ‘boot-camp’ exercise class almost 2 years ago... 

She had been suffering from that deep ‘tooth-ache’ like feeling in her right hip (literally a pain in the butt) which shot down her leg any time she tried to sit down or bend forward. (commonly known as ‘sciatica)

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What To Do If Standing and Walking Make Your Back Pain Worse?

What To Do If Standing and Walking Make Your Back Pain Worse?

"I've been told to sit less, stand and walk more. But why does it still hurt?!”

You may have heard it before..."sitting is the new smoking and too much of it causes back pain." But what if other activities like standing while cooking in the kitchen, walking for longer than 10 minutes, or even trying to do a gentle yoga class might leave you in more pain, and even more frustrated?

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Are You Living With, Or Worried About, Someone Suffering From Chronic Back Pain?

Are You Living With, Or Worried About, Someone Suffering From Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever been told that back pain is just of those things that comes with your job, family, age, sport and daily stress?

Worse, have you been told by your doctor that you have to accept it, take medication, or rest for weeks on end, because nothing else can be done?

If you or a loved one aged 40+, answered “YES” to any of those questions, and have suffered with back pain for longer than 9 days, then please pay attention to what I’m about to share with you. This could help save your job, independence, mobility, family and everything else you hold dear in your life.

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My X-Ray and MRI Shows “Damage”… Now What?

My X-Ray and MRI Shows “Damage”… Now What?

If you have ever been to the doctor for back pain, you may know the usual routine…X-ray images, MRI’s scans, and worse, the report you get back may be a bit confusing or worrying with terms such as ‘disc herniations’, ‘disc protrusion’, or ‘degenerative disc disease’…

What if I told you that these images could be potentially do more harm than good?

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I Have Pain In My Back and Leg... Is This Sciatica?!

I Have Pain In My Back and Leg... Is This Sciatica?!

One of the most annoying and debilitating pain our clients come in for is Sciatica. 

The term Sciatica is more of the description of numbness, tingling, burning and/or weakness which may present itself down your leg. It's even more important to understand that you have to tackle the underlying cause in order to start feeling better. 

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Running and Low Back Pain

Running and Low Back Pain

For many people, running is a great way to stay active and healthy.  But there are many running related injuries that can occur due to a lack of mobility, stability or faulty running mechanics.  

The most common running fault I see as a therapist is someone who runs with increased lumbar lordosis, or curvature, in their low back.

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