Are Your Workouts Burning You Out? Mix It Up!

Are Your Workouts Burning You Out? Mix It Up!

Our athletes have begun to specialize at a younger and younger age. I often ask parents if their children play any other sports and many say that they focus on just one. This leads to an alarming number of repetitive movement injuries in our young athletes. Since no two sports are completely alike, children who participate in multiple sports learn to incorporate different movements, patterns that are inherent to each particular sport.

Basically they become more well rounded because they are required to use different skill sets. Children are also less likely to get burned out as frequently when they are doing a wide variety of activities. It really doesn't matter what the activity, just try to keep some variety in their programs.

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How Are You Celebrating Your Athletes?

How Are You Celebrating Your Athletes?

The sun was at its hottest and most intense point in the afternoon sky and showed no signs of letting up soon. My butt was getting numb from sitting on concrete seats after only 40 mins. Welcome to a typical invitational high school track meet in So Cal. Needless to say I was ill prepared for the day's events. No hat, no cushion and no water. Still it didn't seem to really matter. It had been years since I had actually been to a meet and I had forgotten what it was like to be around young athletes and feeling that electricity in the air. 

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