Are Injuries Limiting Your Golf Game?

Are Injuries Limiting Your Golf Game?

Have you noticed differences in your short game vs long game on the course? The challenge with sports that involve a swing or a throw is that the motion is very complex. It is easy to throw a ball or swing a golf club but there is nothing easy about doing it well. Those that find themselves in the rough or having a constant slice will know what I’m talking about.

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Is Your Golf Swing Giving You Back Pain?

Is Your Golf Swing Giving You Back Pain?

Everyone has a sport or activity that is enjoyable or helps to relieve stress. A large number of our clients use golf as that activity.

It can become a huge strain if you are unable to do your activity of choice because of an injury or pain. In some instances the activity or sport is what is causing the problem. Some might say to stop running, playing golf, or playing basketball because it is causing your pain. Instead our goal is to look to see what we can do to make changes so you can continue to play.

When it comes to golf there are many mechanics at play which can contribute to your injury. The most common injury we see is low back pain or upper and middle back pain. Not having a proper golf swing can lead to these injuries.  

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