How HealthFit Collaborates With Wellness District Los Angeles To Help You Reach Your Healing Goals

At HealthFit Physical Therapy and Chiropractic in Pasadena, our primary goal is to make sure to treat every patient through a holistic lens to identify the underlying issues that are stopping them from doing the things they love. It brings me a wave of relief to know that healing communities like Wellness District Los Angeles also approach their members’ wellbeing by providing services that treat and improve their mind, body, and spirit. 

In this guest piece, Chris Foreman, the Founder & CEO of Wellness District LA, has graciously shared how a collaborative effort with Healthfit has benefited the overall improvement of some of his members. 

A word from Chris…

You Deserve Better Healthcare

If you have ever been frustrated with your healthcare providers, you are not alone. So much of our healthcare system focuses on keeping you as a lifelong customer rather than helping you heal. 

This frustration is what led me to start Wellness District LA. Years ago I was diagnosed with chronic pain, and the doctor said to me I would struggle with this for the rest of my life. She then proceeded to pull out her prescription pad. It was at that moment I knew I needed to make a choice. I could either go down this road of prescription medication and hope I don’t become an addict, or I can try an alternative method to find true healing.

You may have found yourself in this same situation. Maybe you’ve felt hopeless because you were told you’d have to be on medication for your mental health. Maybe you’ve felt defeated when someone told you there was no cure for your autoimmune condition. Or maybe you were optimistic at first only to be returning to your clinic to refill or adjust your prescription years later. 

Please don’t misunderstand me; prescription drugs have done so much to save lives and have helped millions of people recover from injury and/or infection. They certainly have their place. But if you haven’t noticed, opioids are still taking lives of veterans, teens, and addicts while we all are focused on beating covid.

People come to Wellness District to find hope. They’re fed up with their struggle and want to do something that changes their lives. We help people overcome anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, obsessive thinking, poor sleep, poor diet, and so on. We don’t focus on the symptoms, although it’s important to acknowledge them, we get to the root cause of the pain; and that can be difficult to uncover. 

To do this we partner with like-minded wellness providers who understand that every client is on a journey towards healing in which they play a critical role.  Healthfit Physical Therapy and Chiropractic is one of our premier partners because they are able to provide many services in one place. Our client needs include physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, strength conditioning, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Healthfit assists our clients in meeting their goals for recovery from injury, increasing oxygen to the body and brain to aid in their mental health and find relief from chronic pain.

Our client, Jason, visits Healthfit LA to help improve his anxiety and depression symptoms. Since beginning hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), he no longer suffers from these conditions. He has dramatically improved in cognitive function and overall mood. Jason is smiling more than ever and even his family relationships have improved. Another client, Paul, has significantly improved his emotional & physical health in just a short amount of time. As a professional soccer player and coach, he previously needed 6-10 weeks to recover from an injury. After he began working with us, he recovered in 10 days!

It means the world to hear that someone’s quality of life has improved because they’ve partnered with us. We’re grateful for the many stories we’ll get to share going forward, and we hope that if you’ve taken the time to read this, you will be one of those stories. You just need to believe that you deserve better. It’s never too late to begin the journey of healing your body, mind, and soul. — Chris Foreman

Our team at HealthFit would like to thank Chris for taking the time in sharing how Wellness District LA also takes a holistic approach to help their members become better versions of themselves. Their wellness community is only growing larger each day, and we are proud to be a part of the collaborative effort to provide quality care that focuses on the individual’s health while also providing additive support to improve the mind, body, and soul.

If you’d like to learn more about the expansive resources Wellness District LA provides, CLICK HERE to begin the journey of discovering the best version of yourself.