How HealthFit Collaborates With Wellness District Los Angeles To Help You Reach Your Healing Goals

How HealthFit Collaborates With Wellness District Los Angeles To Help You Reach Your Healing Goals

At HealthFit, our primary goal is to treat every patient through a holistic lens to identify the underlying issues that are stopping them from doing the things they love. It brings a sigh of relief to know that healing communities like Wellness District Los Angeles also encompass this idea of holistic treatment, and approach their member’s wellbeing by providing services that treat and improve the mind, body, and spirit.

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Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Spending hours at your desk with annoying low back pain? Want to do something about it but don’t know how?

Unfortunately we live in a society that lends itself to prolonged hours sitting at the computer or on the couch watching TV. We are no longer hunters and gatherers that have to spend the majority of the time on our feet searching for food.

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Is your chiropractor "just" adjusting you for your injuries?

Is your chiropractor "just" adjusting you for your injuries?

If you have ever received an adjustment from a chiropractor, often times the reaction is, “Wow, that was amazing!”

Now the questions is: “How long did your relief last?”

There are a number of occasions where you are fixed right away or better after a few treatments in conjunction with some stretching and exercise.

BUT… there are a great deal of individuals that do not get better with this system of treatment. This is where the “CHEMICAL” and “EMOTIONAL” components of the individual need to be addressed as well.

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