This may be why your back is STIFF and IN PAIN when you wake up in the morning...

This may be why your back is STIFF and IN PAIN when you wake up in the morning...

Do you ever find yourself getting up in the morning and wondering "Why does my back hurt a lot when I wake up?”

Does your pain or stiffness get in the way of or make it harder to get your day started?

Quality sleep is a huge part of your whole body health, and it shapes the way that you approach your day. There are many factors that can affect your sleep, but two common reasons that tend to be a problem are one, your mattress, and two, your pillow

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Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder Pain And Sleeping On Your Side

Shoulder pain whether it stems from some sort of impingement to recovering from rotator cuff surgery can be incredibly uncomfortable. Throughout the day you are conscious and able to do what you can to minimize pain but the six, seven, eight-plus hours that you're spending sleeping can often times aggravate your shoulder, especially if you're the ones that can only sleep on your side, and unfortunately, sleep on the side that you're having shoulder pain with.

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