Why is Breathing Important for Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Treatment?  

Why is Breathing Important for Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Treatment?  

The most basic, yet vital aspect of your everyday life begins with your breath. Your respiration determines how the rest of your body gets important nutrients that are essential for optimal health. Breathing properly to maximize oxygen in the body can promote better mental clarity, improve sleeping habits, maximize digestion capabilities, reduce stress levels, and even improve your immune system.

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5 Tips For Amazing Standing Desk Posture

5 Tips For Amazing Standing Desk Posture

Studies have shown the average American sits at least 10 hours a day and experts conclude this may lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and musculoskeletal problems.  Because of this, standing desks have become more common in the workplace.  Although standing is generally better than sitting, standing desks still need to be adjusted properly to maximize benefits and reduce the risk of injury.  If you’re thinking about making the switch, here are some tips to make a smooth transition.

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Quick Fixes For Your Desk Setup To Decrease Pain

Quick Fixes For Your Desk Setup To Decrease Pain

If you work in an office or at home, chances are you spend a good amount of time sitting in front of a computer.  This can vary from a couple hours a day to 40+ hours/week.  It might not sound like a lot, but after 5-10 years, prolonged sitting can negatively affect your health.

Many people don’t think about posture or ergonomics until they start feeling uncomfortable sitting at their desk.  This can include, but not be limited to, headaches, shoulder tightness, wrist soreness, and low back pain.

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Can My Poor Posture Cause Headaches?

Can My Poor Posture Cause Headaches?

How we sit, stand, and do activities can either help or hurt us when we have an injury. When most people sit at work, in their car, or at home their head comes forward, shoulders roll in, and we arch our upper and middle back.

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Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome

Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome

We have been talking a lot about posture lately because posture is important! However, don’t let the title of this syndrome scare you. We’re going to break it down!

Let’s say you spend a lot of your days sitting at your job or in your car because you commute to West LA (I feel for you out there who do this!) and you notice that you have a lot of tension in your neck/shoulders or are maybe experiencing some back pain. Why?

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