What To Do If Standing and Walking Make Your Back Pain Worse?

What To Do If Standing and Walking Make Your Back Pain Worse?

"I've been told to sit less, stand and walk more. But why does it still hurt?!”

You may have heard it before..."sitting is the new smoking and too much of it causes back pain." But what if other activities like standing while cooking in the kitchen, walking for longer than 10 minutes, or even trying to do a gentle yoga class might leave you in more pain, and even more frustrated?

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Are You Living With, Or Worried About, Someone Suffering From Chronic Back Pain?

Are You Living With, Or Worried About, Someone Suffering From Chronic Back Pain?

Have you ever been told that back pain is just of those things that comes with your job, family, age, sport and daily stress?

Worse, have you been told by your doctor that you have to accept it, take medication, or rest for weeks on end, because nothing else can be done?

If you or a loved one aged 40+, answered “YES” to any of those questions, and have suffered with back pain for longer than 9 days, then please pay attention to what I’m about to share with you. This could help save your job, independence, mobility, family and everything else you hold dear in your life.

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My Back Pain Doesn't Get Better With Rest Anymore! What's Going On?

My Back Pain Doesn't Get Better With Rest Anymore! What's Going On?

If you’ve ever had back pain, you have probably experienced this same thought. There are different reasons why back pain can seemingly get worse over time so we’ll take a look at the common ones.I always like to ask people if they have ever seen a health professional for their back pain before? Often, people manage their back pain by doing what has always worked. Rest and anti-inflammatories. I’m not saying there isn’t a time and place for rest and anti-inflammatories (there certainly is!) but it can’t end there!


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Why are my hamstrings always tight?!

Why are my hamstrings always tight?!

Have you ever asked yourself:

“Why are my hamstrings always tight? I stretch them all the time!”

We often times see this in the office with a wide variety of clients, ranging from the man with the 12 hour desk job to the super flexible yoga practitioner that stretches 24/7.

Here are two very common underlying causes for your “tight hamstrings”:

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