Does strength & conditioning for gymnastics have to look like "gymnastics"?

Does strength & conditioning for gymnastics have to look like "gymnastics"?

We live in a day and age of early specialization, where many young athletes stick to only one sport. This lends itself to overuse of particular movements and muscle groups, placing a great deal of stress on their bodies.

What we do is objective screening, injury and health histories, and collaboration with their coaches to help decide what areas we need to target the most. For example, some gymnasts have incredible hip flexibility going front to back, but not necessarily into rotation. We take all of this information to come up with the best way to address their needs.

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Hip Mobility & Strength for Athletic Performance

Hip Mobility & Strength for Athletic Performance

Those of you who have trained under me are probably sick to death of how much I stress the importance of proper hip function. I truly believe that regaining proper function of the hip complex is a preventative measure for injuries as well as improved athletic performance.

Probably one the most fundamental movements we all need to master is a proper squat. It carries over to a majority of our daily functional activities such as getting out of a chair, walking up stairs, and lifting objects. It also pertains to the daily function of our athletes such as maintaining a good base position as a lineman, jumping for a basketball player, and exploding out of the blocks as a sprinter.

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