Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Are you a swimmer, runner, or cyclist who feels like they need a mix up their workout routine?  Do you need a challenge because running six 1/2 marathons a year or riding 50 miles a week just doesn’t do it for you anymore?  If so, participating in your first triathlon might be the answer.

But I know what you’re thinking and it’s either 1) I don’t know how to swim, 2) I don’t have a bike, or 3) I hate running, but that’s ok!  Every triathlete can rank their comfort level when it comes to each activity.  You might be comfortable in the water because you’ve been a swimmer all your life or you can run 13.1 miles without breaking a sweat.  Whatever your situation is, that just means you’ll need to train and get comfortable with the activity that’s ranked #3.

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