Does my child need Chiropractic and is it safe?

Does my child need Chiropractic and is it safe?

This is a question we often get from not only the public, but our own families! There is a misconception that all Chiropractors do are “crack” bones. If you have ever met a good chiropractor, this is far from the truth.

Here at HealthFit, we take a very holistic approach to all of your complaints. Your problems are not just limited to back and joint pain, but can address a host of other issues not traditionally labeled “orthopedic” in nature.

95% of infants have misalignments after birth. Chiropractic is shown to relax muscular tension, improve sleep, can reduce colic symptoms,and can improve breastfeeding outcomes in newborns.
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Why are my hamstrings always tight?!

Why are my hamstrings always tight?!

Have you ever asked yourself:

“Why are my hamstrings always tight? I stretch them all the time!”

We often times see this in the office with a wide variety of clients, ranging from the man with the 12 hour desk job to the super flexible yoga practitioner that stretches 24/7.

Here are two very common underlying causes for your “tight hamstrings”:

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