Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Spending hours at your desk with annoying low back pain? Want to do something about it but don’t know how?

Unfortunately we live in a society that lends itself to prolonged hours sitting at the computer or on the couch watching TV. We are no longer hunters and gatherers that have to spend the majority of the time on our feet searching for food.

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Should I wear a minimalist shoe?

Should I wear a minimalist shoe?

One of my amazing golf fitness clients asked me, “Jason, what do you think of me starting to wear minimalist shoes?”

Personally I am a big advocate for “Minimalist Type Shoes” as long as you are PHYSICALLY READY for them.

Orthotic inserts definitely do have their place with a certain population, but not everyone. I am a big proponent of our clients being able to “feel the ground” which does amazing things to help activate the core stabilizers, gluteal muscles and intrinsic foot stabilizers.

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Is your chiropractor "just" adjusting you for your injuries?

Is your chiropractor "just" adjusting you for your injuries?

If you have ever received an adjustment from a chiropractor, often times the reaction is, “Wow, that was amazing!”

Now the questions is: “How long did your relief last?”

There are a number of occasions where you are fixed right away or better after a few treatments in conjunction with some stretching and exercise.

BUT… there are a great deal of individuals that do not get better with this system of treatment. This is where the “CHEMICAL” and “EMOTIONAL” components of the individual need to be addressed as well.

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Does my child need Chiropractic and is it safe?

Does my child need Chiropractic and is it safe?

This is a question we often get from not only the public, but our own families! There is a misconception that all Chiropractors do are “crack” bones. If you have ever met a good chiropractor, this is far from the truth.

Here at HealthFit, we take a very holistic approach to all of your complaints. Your problems are not just limited to back and joint pain, but can address a host of other issues not traditionally labeled “orthopedic” in nature.

95% of infants have misalignments after birth. Chiropractic is shown to relax muscular tension, improve sleep, can reduce colic symptoms,and can improve breastfeeding outcomes in newborns.
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