5 Reasons Why Soft Tissue Manipulation Is Important For Chiropractic Adjustments

5 Reasons Why Soft Tissue Manipulation Is Important For Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are great for correcting imbalances in your joints and spine, but in many cases, that may not address everything your specific condition requires. With the combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue manipulation and corrective exercises'; our chiropractors are able help alleviate your pain, and set the ground work to ensure your it does not return. That is why our chiropractors take the time to further enhance each adjustment with soft tissue manipulation.

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Easing Your Nerves: The Safety and Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Easing Your Nerves: The Safety and Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, we understand that your body goes through many changes that can cause discomfort and pain. You many not realize it, but one way to alleviate these symptoms and prepare your body for labor and delivery is through chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is a safe and gentle form of healthcare that focuses on restoring proper alignment to the spine and pelvis. More specifically, our Webster Certified Chiropractors are skilled in treating prenatal patients with this type of care. Having treated hundreds of women in the Pasadena area, we have seen the the positive effect this type of care has had on so many lives.

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Reduce Your Inflammation With The Natural Healing Capabilities of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Reduce Your Inflammation With The Natural Healing Capabilities of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Inflammation is a common side effect that can occur following an infection, injury or when the body fights against foreign toxins. The physical appearances of inflammation are seen as, but not limited to, swelling of the injured site, increased redness and bruising, and feeling hot to the touch. There are also instances where inflammation or irritation can affect your body in the deeper levels of your tissues. 

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Are You Feeling Frustrated With Your Lack Of Concentration and Mental Clarity?

Are You Feeling Frustrated With Your Lack Of Concentration and Mental Clarity?

The truth may be that there are some underlying issues affecting your overall mental clarity. Your body’s ability to adapt to stress and fatigue while operating at a productive level begins to deteriorate after time. For some people, this is a gradual change, and for others, it may feel like it came about all of a sudden. Those moments of rapid change may lead you to believe that you are feeling tired or having a rough day at work, when in reality, it has to do with much more than that.

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My Doctor Says I Have The Spine Of An 80 Year Old…Now What?

My Doctor Says I Have The Spine Of An 80 Year Old…Now What?

A common thread of discussion that is going on within HealthFit is the disassociation between day-to-day experiences and healthcare imagery, such as x-rays and MRI’s. Simply put, many of our patients are told by their doctors that according to their x-rays and MRIs, something ‘looks’ way worse than it actually is.

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How HealthFit Collaborates With Wellness District Los Angeles To Help You Reach Your Healing Goals

How HealthFit Collaborates With Wellness District Los Angeles To Help You Reach Your Healing Goals

At HealthFit, our primary goal is to treat every patient through a holistic lens to identify the underlying issues that are stopping them from doing the things they love. It brings a sigh of relief to know that healing communities like Wellness District Los Angeles also encompass this idea of holistic treatment, and approach their member’s wellbeing by providing services that treat and improve the mind, body, and spirit.

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Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Fix Degenerative Disc Disease?

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Fix Degenerative Disc Disease?

HBOT can help with treatment for degenerative disc disease by providing more resources for your body to use as building blocks. By boosting your oxygen intake, your red blood cells have more nutrients to deliver and use as energy. Therefore, the avascular tissue that makes up the intervertebral disc actually receives a boost in healing capabilities. With more oxygen flowing in your body, more cells begin to “wake up,” and exhibit or inhibit specific characteristics that could benefit your overall spine health.

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Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help with Knee Arthritis?

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help with Knee Arthritis?

Knee arthritis is a very common condition we come across at HealthFit, and there are various ways we can help you manage the pain and discomfort that comes from it. Arthritis can be characterized as joint stiffness, swelling, and discomfort with movement. It can affect all the joints of the body, ranging from the neck and shoulders to your knees and ankles. Regardless of severity, arthritis can be difficult to live with, and requires professional care to manage it.

Alongside with physical therapy and chiropractic treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be utilized in conjunction with your current treatment to manage arthritis. There are people with different forms of arthritis, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, that have seen lasting benefits from hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

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How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improve Your Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Treatment?

How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improve Your Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Treatment?

Our therapists go the extra mile to make sure you receive the best quality of care at HealthFit. Even with all of the right methods and procedures, sometimes physiological limitations, like how well your body’s cells are functioning, can get in the way of full recovery.

There are practices that can help train your nervous system to work more efficiently, but how do we target your treatment at the cellular level?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the answer!

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Are Your Shoulders the Reason for Your Wrist Pain When You Rock Climb or Boulder?

Are Your Shoulders the Reason for Your Wrist Pain When You Rock Climb or Boulder?

With the increase in accessibility for anyone to start climbing comes a growing number of injuries. Climbing, whether bouldering or rock climbing, requires a great amount of physical and mental strength. There is some debate as to what makes a “great” climber in the sport, with a lot of focus on the strengths of your upper body versus core versus lower body, however it’s important to also consider how your shoulders can make a difference in your grip strength and technique.

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