The Three Top Reasons You Haven't Made An Appointment At HealthFit Yet...

The Three Top Reasons You Haven't Made An Appointment At HealthFit Yet...

One of the biggest questions we like to ask our clients after they have succeeded in reaching their goals here at HealthFit is, "Why did you wait so long for you to make a decision to make an appointment?"

Here are the three top reasons why: 

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Fuel Good, Feel Good!

Fuel Good, Feel Good!

When some people say they are trying to lose fat or gain muscle there is usually a laundry list of items that follows. It usually includes this diet shake, these supplements, that protein powder, that “miracle” cure and the list just goes on. A good portion of the time, people generally get frustrated with weight loss or gain because of the difficulty with it.


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How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

How Do I Get Rid Of These Knots In My Muscles?

Myofascial trigger point or “knots” is a common term used to describe tightness and hard bumps in muscles that are painful when pressure is applied.  Generally, people complain of knots in their neck, shoulders and low back.  But what are knots and how do they form?  In order to explain this, we need to understand how muscles work.  

When you bend your elbow, the muscle fibers in your biceps shorten (contract) but when you straighten the elbow, those fibers lengthen (relax).  This ability to contract and relax is what allows us to move.  But what you had a muscle that was in a constant state of contraction and was unable to relax?  Overtime, it would probably feel tight, uncomfortable, and painful. The muscle becomes dysfunctional because it’s unable to relax, creating knots and trigger points.

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Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Great Tips For Your First Triathlon

Are you a swimmer, runner, or cyclist who feels like they need a mix up their workout routine?  Do you need a challenge because running six 1/2 marathons a year or riding 50 miles a week just doesn’t do it for you anymore?  If so, participating in your first triathlon might be the answer.

But I know what you’re thinking and it’s either 1) I don’t know how to swim, 2) I don’t have a bike, or 3) I hate running, but that’s ok!  Every triathlete can rank their comfort level when it comes to each activity.  You might be comfortable in the water because you’ve been a swimmer all your life or you can run 13.1 miles without breaking a sweat.  Whatever your situation is, that just means you’ll need to train and get comfortable with the activity that’s ranked #3.

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5 Tips For Amazing Standing Desk Posture

5 Tips For Amazing Standing Desk Posture

Studies have shown the average American sits at least 10 hours a day and experts conclude this may lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and musculoskeletal problems.  Because of this, standing desks have become more common in the workplace.  Although standing is generally better than sitting, standing desks still need to be adjusted properly to maximize benefits and reduce the risk of injury.  If you’re thinking about making the switch, here are some tips to make a smooth transition.

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I Love Spinning and Cycling, But Am I Riding Correctly?

I Love Spinning and Cycling, But Am I Riding Correctly?

Indoor cycling, or spinning, has gained popularity over the past couple years.  It’s a great way to burn calories and work up a sweat while challenging your cardiovascular system, endurance, and strength.  As a cyclist, I’ve had an opportunity to spin in different studios with a variety of instructors.  If you’re looking to get into spinning, here are a few tips that will help you enjoy the class and prevent injuries.

#1.  Make Sure Your Bike Fits:  If it’s your first time, make sure the instructor helps you adjust your bike.  Most of the time, they’ll adjust the height of the saddle by making sure it’s level with your pelvic bone when you’re standing next to the bike.  If you’re toes are pointed down at the “6 o’clock position”, the saddle is too high.  At the bottom of the pedal stroke, you should have a comfortable bend in the knee (~30-35 degrees) with the foot parallel to the ground.  Another adjustment that can be made is to make sure the saddle itself isn’t too far forward or backwards.  If positioned too forward, the quadriceps will work too hard which might lead to knee pain.  If positioned too far back, the hamstrings will be stressed which can cause a muscle strain or a pulled “hammy.”

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It Always Starts In The Kitchen

It Always Starts In The Kitchen

When some people say they are trying to lose fat or gain muscle there is usually a laundry list of items that follows. It usually includes this diet shake, these supplements, that protein powder, that “miracle” cure and the list just goes on. A good portion of the time, people generally get frustrated with weight loss or gain because of the difficulty with it.

Some may even reach for the easier direct route such as surgery, lipo, or the lapband. While these interventions generally do work, if you don’t change the habits that got you into that position then the time and money spent on the surgery will likely be wasted. As it is just a matter of time before you likely start to gain it back.

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Are Text and Desk Neck Ruining Your Posture?

Are Text and Desk Neck Ruining Your Posture?

Phones and computers have become almost essential for day to day life. They offer many different functions to make our lives just that extra little bit easier. The only challenge with them is how we use them. If we look at how much we actually use computers or electronic devices it can be really astounding.

Most people have to use a computer for work where some use is almost exclusively as well as their phones regardless if it is for work or personal reasons. It is safe to say that between phone and computer usage the average person spends 30-50 hours in front of a screen during the work week. That comes out to 25%-42% of all hours from Monday to Friday. That doesn’t include any time we spend on these devices on the weekend. Much like with a mattress or a car, if we are spending that large duration in one place or doing one thing we definitely want it to be comfortable.

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Why Does My Shoulder Click And Hurt All The Time?

Why Does My Shoulder Click And Hurt All The Time?

The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in our body and because of that, shoulder injuries are relatively common.  The most common shoulder injury involves a group of 4 small muscles in the shoulder called the rotator cuff muscles.  The function of these muscles is to stabilize the shoulder into the socket.  The muscle that is primarily involved is called the supraspinatus and its tendon can be inflamed, partially torn, or completely torn due to poor posture, repetitive movement, or trauma.  When you’ve sustained a shoulder injury, you may find it difficult to lift the arm above shoulder height because of pain, weakness, or both.

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Important Factors To Decrease Your Pain With Running

Important Factors To Decrease Your Pain With Running

Running has become an ever growing sport and exercise choice for some time now. Regardless if you are wanting to run a 5k, qualify for The Boston Marathon, or just mix in running for some cardio support... it can be very beneficial. Over time, like with most activities, there will be some point where we get injured. Of course this is never wanted because it usually means rest and a break from the activities we love.

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