Why So Many CrossFit Athletes Are Getting Back Pain After The Open Workout – And What To Do About It…

Why So Many CrossFit Athletes Are Getting Back Pain After The Open Workout – And What To Do About It…

I’ve had a few conversations with some high level CrossFit athletes since the release of the Open Workout 17.1. Across the board, everyone was dealing with an increase in back and shoulder pain. We discussed not only the movements but the overall volume of the workout.  

There is a misconception that this acute episode of pain will resolve in a few days leading up to 17.2. Even worse, it will resolve in time to do the workout again so you can actually have a qualifying time. In most cases... these are just not realistic. 

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Can My Poor Posture Cause Headaches?

Can My Poor Posture Cause Headaches?

How we sit, stand, and do activities can either help or hurt us when we have an injury. When most people sit at work, in their car, or at home their head comes forward, shoulders roll in, and we arch our upper and middle back.

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Is Walking Contributing To My Neck Pain?

Is Walking Contributing To My Neck Pain?

The real question is how walking contributes to my neck pain. When we take a step our arms follow and swing the same. So if you take a step on your right leg then your left arm swings forward. Then when you bring your left leg back your right arm follows it. This is the normal mechanics of gait. Your arm mimics and follows the opposite leg. When you walk if the stride of your right leg is longer than the stride of your left leg then you will immediately have muscle imbalances. Some of the muscles that deal with the arms and shoulder movement during gait attach to the head and neck, and if there is muscle imbalances this can contribute to a neck complaint.

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Why Can't I Move The Way I Used To After An Injury?

Why Can't I Move The Way I Used To After An Injury?

The biggest reason you move differently or feel you can’t move the same is because of your brain. This doesn’t mean that your brain function is bad or poor, it just means that your brain has adapted to protect your body. When your body suffers from an injury there are certain movements or actions that hurt and this is completely normal. The problem is when we are in pain for long periods of time and we specifically avoid these movements because we think they will hurt.

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Do I Have To Do My Exercises At Home?

Do I Have To Do My Exercises At Home?

If you have been to physical therapy or chiropractic before, I am sure you are familiar with the home exercise program. As difficult and annoying as it may be to do your daily exercises they are crucial to your recovery!

As much as we would love to see you everyday, unfortunately that’s not possible so it’s a team effort to make sure you can achieve your ultimate goals. Our role is to get you back on your feet and show you the best tools for you to maintain it as much as possible.

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Ankle Mobility For Deeper Squats - Is It That Simple?

Ankle Mobility For Deeper Squats - Is It That Simple?

A lack of ankle mobility is often one of the contributing components to a less than optimal squat. As a general measuring stick, you want to be able to squat with your thighs parallel to the floor. 

Unfortunately, this is very difficult for some. If you were to examine lower body mechanics, the hips, knees and ankles should all move at the same time and and the right amount when performing a squatting motion. If one or more of these areas are dysfunctional, you may end up with the inability to do the motion in addition to pain if you do not take care of it. 

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Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome

Posture & Upper Crossed Syndrome

We have been talking a lot about posture lately because posture is important! However, don’t let the title of this syndrome scare you. We’re going to break it down!

Let’s say you spend a lot of your days sitting at your job or in your car because you commute to West LA (I feel for you out there who do this!) and you notice that you have a lot of tension in your neck/shoulders or are maybe experiencing some back pain. Why?

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How Come When It Gets Cold My Joints Hurt More?

How Come When It Gets Cold My Joints Hurt More?

I thought I would delve into the research a little to see if I could find a great answer for my patients! The research is rather inconclusive about a definite answer as to why the cold seems to affect joints (particularly arthritic joints) but nonetheless, clinically, many physical therapists will tell you that they hear this question all the time so there must be something to it. While there isn’t a definite answer, there are some theories!

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Extra Weight & Back Pain

Extra Weight & Back Pain

Most people may think that when we pack on a few extra pounds and that's it. I don't know about everyone else, but if I'm carrying an extra 10-20 or more pounds, I don't stay the same shape and size. Most people carry their extra weight in their midsection. When this happens it offsets their center of gravity. The same thing happens when women get pregnant.

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After I Get My Injection... I'm Good Right?

After I Get My Injection... I'm Good Right?

Often, patients will opt for medical management of their back pain with injections (which is totally fine!) I just want to speak a little about care after your injection. 

I am sincerely happy when patients come to me after an injection and say that they feel all better! However, I always caution against abandoning physical therapy because you feel great. When you are feeling pain free is the best time to capitalize on making improvements! 

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