Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

All too often, I hear that people around me aren’t sleeping enough (don’t worry I’m often a part of that group as well!) However, I think it’s important that we all recognize just how important sleep really is to our health!

Sleep is important for your overall RECOVERY from a long day of work, exercise and life's numerous stressors. This is the optimal time your body RECHARGES itself so we can function at our best. 

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I Have Arthritis - Now What?

I Have Arthritis - Now What?

Do you cringe when you here the word... Arthritis? Do you feel like your life is over when your doctor tells you that is what's causing your pain? Here is some great and important information to give you a little more background on your situation so you can restore your belief in health's potential!

Physical therapists are able to evaluate you and help decrease your functional impairments (i.e. difficult getting up from chairs, going up and down stairs, etc.). In keeping with last week’s introduction of evidence-based practice, I thought I would share some evidence about arthritis and physical therapy.

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Treating Our Gymnasts - Using The Evidence

Treating Our Gymnasts - Using The Evidence

We here at HealthFit are back to talk about another gymnastics related topic this week! As Physical Therapists (and Athletic Trainers) we rely heavily on evidence-based practice. 

I’m sure not many have heard about this evidence-based practice so I thought I would share a little about it. Physical therapists and athletic trainers (along with other health care professionals) contribute research to a body of evidence, which helps dictate what we choose to utilize in our programming for patients.

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Gymnastics Injuries - At the CORE of the Matter

Gymnastics Injuries - At the CORE of the Matter

It seemed appropriate that this week’s blog post follow suit and take a closer look at a gymnastics injury case. I thought we could take a closer look at how Physical Therapy/Athletic Training could help and loosely explain the evaluation and treatment (each patient goes through an individualized process).

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My Back Pain Doesn't Get Better With Rest Anymore! What's Going On?

My Back Pain Doesn't Get Better With Rest Anymore! What's Going On?

If you’ve ever had back pain, you have probably experienced this same thought. There are different reasons why back pain can seemingly get worse over time so we’ll take a look at the common ones.I always like to ask people if they have ever seen a health professional for their back pain before? Often, people manage their back pain by doing what has always worked. Rest and anti-inflammatories. I’m not saying there isn’t a time and place for rest and anti-inflammatories (there certainly is!) but it can’t end there!


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Horse Racing Jockey - Flavien Prat's Amazing Return After A Fractured Back

Horse Racing Jockey - Flavien Prat's Amazing Return After A Fractured Back

For those of you that do not follow horse racing, Flavien Prat is one of the hottest young riders on the circuit right now. With over 5 million in purse winnings in the first half of the 2016 season, he is currently ranked #11 in all of North America.

In August 2015, Flavien suffered a serious fall while racing at Los Alamitos resulting in several fractured vertebrae in addition punctured lung. He was put into a back brace which he would...

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Does strength & conditioning for gymnastics have to look like "gymnastics"?

Does strength & conditioning for gymnastics have to look like "gymnastics"?

We live in a day and age of early specialization, where many young athletes stick to only one sport. This lends itself to overuse of particular movements and muscle groups, placing a great deal of stress on their bodies.

What we do is objective screening, injury and health histories, and collaboration with their coaches to help decide what areas we need to target the most. For example, some gymnasts have incredible hip flexibility going front to back, but not necessarily into rotation. We take all of this information to come up with the best way to address their needs.

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Is your fitness program actually improving your quality of life?

Is your fitness program actually improving your quality of life?

Our individual and semi-private fitness coaching programs here at HealthFit Performance and Wellness in Pasadena, CA take a balanced approach to your training. This meaning we look at movement quality, balance, flexibility, mobility, strength, endurance, power and FUNCTION!

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Frustrated with your 1 on 1 time with your Physical Therapist or Chiropractor?

Frustrated with your 1 on 1 time with your Physical Therapist or Chiropractor?

Are you frustrated with the quality of care you are receiving when you go to see your physical therapist or chiropractor?

Are you spending 90% of the session working with aides instead your actual doctor?

Is your doctor taking the time to listen to your concerns?

The truth of the matter is that we truly believe you will get BETTER FASTER WITH LESS VISITS when you come here to HealthFit Performance & Wellness in Pasadena, CA. Because our sessions are 1 on 1, we get to know you on a personal level and well as make better decisions regarding your health. This in turn allows us to truly help you reach your goals

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Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Why does my back hurt when I sit too long?

Spending hours at your desk with annoying low back pain? Want to do something about it but don’t know how?

Unfortunately we live in a society that lends itself to prolonged hours sitting at the computer or on the couch watching TV. We are no longer hunters and gatherers that have to spend the majority of the time on our feet searching for food.

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